Thursday, December 15, 2016
Classwork: 12/15
Don't be like Scrooge: Use this website to find out some basic information about a charity or organization that is working on a cause that is important or interesting to you.
Complete the "Charity Comparison" sheet (front and back).
1). visit your charity's website to learn the "purpose"
2). to find programs, click the "programs" tap at the top of your charity's page on "Charity Navigator." See an example here.
3). to find "money raised yearly" look for the "TOTAL REVENUE" listing.
4). look at the pie graphs in the "Financial Charts" section to find percent spent on programs, fund raising, administrative costs.
Monday, December 5, 2016
What's the Story? News and Notes From ELA Class
Monday, November 7, 2016
What's the Story? News and Notes from ELA Class
We then spent some time thinking, talking, writing (and drawing) what they know about the "First Thanksgiving."
This week we'll begin to look at this event through different perspectives and points of view.
Saturday, October 22, 2016
What's the Story? News and Notes From ELA Class
Last week we read a version of the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow" by Washington Irving.
This week we'll be on a field trip to Sleepy Hollow, NY! Ok, it's actually a virtual field trip in the form of a webquest...
Monday, October 10, 2016
What's the Story? News and Notes From ELA Class
Saturday, October 1, 2016
What's the Story? News and Notes from ELA Class
Last week students continued reading, discussing the work of Edgar Allan Poe and looked at the literary devices "mood" and "tone."
They wrote in their journals about "favorite childhood toys" and "fall."
Students had another bout with (a new Champ will be crowned this week!).
We also spent some time working on a combined social studies/ELA project on local history (students were inspired by watching this episode of Curiously Adirondack; this one too.
This week we'll look at some poetry ahead of students writing their own local history poem, then write drafts in class.
The end of the week will see a visit from Mrs. Kennedy for book talks.
Sunday, September 25, 2016
What's the Story? News and Notes From ELA Class
Last week students filled their journals with writing on topics like: "If a genie granted you three wishes, but you couldn't use them to make yourself rich, what would you do?" and "Write directions for how to do or make something."
Students also talked about the literary device "mood" and identified it in a play based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart."
This week we will continue to talk mood and Poe. In addition, we'll continue our weekly independent reading and journal writing, editing practice and vocabulary.
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
This Week in Journals
Sunday, September 11, 2016
Letter to Future You
Based on this lesson by a teacher in Canada, students will be writing a letter to their "future selves."
Ok, so it's not too far into the future (I'll be collecting these letters and returning them during the last week of school in June).
The letter should be handwritten on loose leaf paper in class and should include:
A). a greeting (Dear ____)
B). a body in which you tell:
1. How you feel about school starting
2. Goals you have for this school year (inside and outside of school)
3. Things you are currently into/interested in (favorite song, friends, etc.)
4. Things currently going on in your life
5. Things you predict will happen this year
6. What you plan to do to achieve this year's goals
C). a closing (sincerely, yours truly, etc.)
Here's an example written by a student last year:
Dear (name): September 11, 2015
If you’re reading this, then you made it to the end of 7th grade. Congratulations. This is from your old less cool, non-lacrosse playing self.
What’s up? I’m just writing this letter to let you know how I intend to be awesome in 7th grade.
I want to try to give my all in all of my classes. I want to get projects in on time. I want to stand up for others and myself. It would be great if I could learn French, so I’ll try to accomplish that. Part of middle school is trying new things also. I want to play lacrosse this spring. I want to score a few goals. In soccer, I want to win all of our games if possible. The Plattsburgh team is going to be hard to beat, so if you’re reading this and you beat them, give yourself a pat on the back.
One of my biggest goals in soccer is to bicycle kick it into the goal this season. I could probably do it. Another one of my goals is to make a shot at the goal from midfield, which would be pretty awesome.
If not, that’s fine. Now, what about band? Was Mr. Vanier a good teacher? He seems like it. Right now, in September, I plan to be awesome at the band concerts and in Jazz Band. I’m considering joining chorus, even though my singing voice compares to the sound of gravel being ground together. Maybe I could play the drums and sing at the same time. I could steal the whole show. On a different note, I hope to excel in gym this year. I know I could make the presidential fitness level.
Another thing I want to do is run a mile that’s under 5 minutes and 30 seconds.
That’s going to be hard, but I know I can do it.
One thing I definitely don’t want to do is stress about everything, like homework, and grades. Those have never been a problem for me and they won’t be this year either. If I just take the time to complete the homework and do my best, then I have no worries. So, I hope that you, in the future, didn’t stress.
On a more fun note, I plan on longboarding a lot this year. If you’re reading this now and you have the badges of honor from falling off the longboard, congratulations. Also, I want to ski a lot. One of my top goals is to ski at Whistler-Blackcomb this winter, in Canada. I want to get a pair of Line skis, which are pretty beast, so I can shred the gnar. Going to Jay Peak in Vermont would be sick also. Of course, I also have to go to Whiteface at least 11 times this winter.
So yeah, this is just your old me writing to you way back in the school year, telling you my plans just in case you wonder why you became so awesome.
See you soon!
Thursday, September 8, 2016
Journals: 9/9 Topic
Several times each week, students will write in their journals.
Here's the topic for Friday, 9/9: "What will you miss most about summer now that it's over?"
During the first quarter, students will be working on building up writing stamina and sharing their writing in small groups in class.
Effort counts and at the end of the marking period journals will be graded.
Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Day One
Monday, August 29, 2016
'Twas the week before the night before...
In one week it'll be the night before the first day of the 2016-2017 school year.
Monday, April 4, 2016
Classwork: 4/5-4/8
As discussed in class, you will be making and writing about editorial cartoons.
Click here for a reminder about what student created editorial cartoons might look like.
Follow these steps to complete this assignment:
1). Choose any topic you wish, but you must A). find an article to read with background information, B). print it out, C). print and complete this worksheet based on it.
NOTE: here is a link to 200 topics you could use for this part of the assignment. You may wish to look in the middle school library for back issues of the Adirondack Daily Enterprise or online at North Country Public Radio if you are interested in choosing a topic based on local interest.
2). Make a cartoon that persuades people about your opinion on the topic you selected. Here's an example of two cartoons which express an opinion about the long winter of 2014 and an article that explains the issue.
Your cartoon should:
- be hand drawn or created digitally (with an animation program, photo editing program, etc.)
- clearly convey an opinion about the topic you selected
- use one or more illustrations with text to persuade the reader of your opinion on the topic
Saturday, February 6, 2016
Update: 2/6/16
To mark Black History Month we read a dramatization of the life of Langston Hughes called "Hold Fast to Dreams."
Next we'll compare what we can learn about Hughes' life from "Hold Fast to Dreams" to what we can learn about his life from the poem "Theme for English B" which Hughes wrote in 1949.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
Class work: 1/13
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Update: 1/2/16
Winter vacation is winding down and it's time for a look ahead. But first, a look back...
In December, grade 7 students studied two pieces of literature featuring well-known "classic characters" and a similar setting. Works in which Sherlock Holmes and Ebeneezer Scrooge appeared had us dusting off our British accents.
Students continued to write in their journals about topics including:
- "The oldest person I know"
- What holiday gift would you give if money was no object?
- "Alphabetical advice"
- If you started your own business, what would it be?
- "2015 memories"