Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Two People I Want To Be Like: a poetry writing assignment.

What does it mean to be successful?   Who do you consider a success? Who do you want to be like?

1.   Choose a role model. This must be someone who you can research.  Try this site to match your interests with someone who has achieved success. Or choose someone from this site who may fit your definition of a successful person.

2. Write a poem that emulates Eve Merriam's "Two People I Want to Be Like." In your poem, include a description of the role model you researched. Incorporate details from the person's life. Also include someone you know personally. Just like in the poem, these should be two people you want to be like.

Here's an example:

That girl just laughs.
She skips around and jokes too.
I’d never seen Mr. Adams laugh or smile.
But as soon as that girl came into town,
Mr. Adams let out a smile when those two talked,
And sometimes he’d laugh if it were a nice day.
But it was only her that could create joy out of Mr. Adam’s sadness.
That man working at the restaurant is friendly like a dog.
He talks a lot.
Always got something on his mind.
Good things like jokes and stories.
Never have I heard him complain about his life and that he deserves better.
No, no, no, no, he’s not a grump.
That man loves life,
“It’s special you know,” He tells me, “You only get one.”
That man keeps talking and enjoying life.
I wish everyone were like them.
But I guess it’s better we’re not.
Then it wouldn’t be special.
I guess it’s just a rare gift from god.
Only for her and him.
*Taken from this website.

And here's an example I wrote based on http://www.biography.com/people/john-lewis-21305903#early-life

That non-violent protestor,
That sit-in organizer,
That heroic Civil Rights activist.

Your work was necessary but dangerous; you got arrested, beaten up,
And even though it made your mother mad, still you continued...

.You continued to do big things: the March on Washington, the March on Selma; all way while you were so young.

You're much older now,have the title "Congressman Lewis," but still leading, still achieving, still succeeding, standing up for you believe,
and inspiring us. All of us.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Sit Right Down and Write Yourself a Letter

Based on this lesson by a teacher in Canada, students will be writing a letter to their "future selves."
Ok, so it's not too far into the future (I'll be collecting these letters and returning them during the last week of school in June).
The letter should be a Google Doc and should include:
Greeting/Salutation (Dear...)
Body (my hopes, fears, dreams, intentions, goals, problems, concerns, likes, dislikes, joys, frustrations; what I like about myself; what I don’t like about myself; what I’m proud of; what I think about; what bothers me; who I am, predictions about the upcoming school year, etc.)
Closing (Sincerely, Yours Truly, etc.)

DUE DATE: Monday, 9/14. Your letter should be typed as a Google Doc and should be 500 words in length, minimum.
Here's an example of what this letter might look like: http://www.stageoflife.com/Default.aspx?tabid=72&g=posts&t=4142
Here's another: http://www.stageoflife.com/Default.aspx?tabid=72&g=posts&t=4183

Stumped on What to Read Next?

Try a book trailer...
Here are some links to sites where you can watch book trailers and hopefully get ideas on great books for independent reading:
The Children's Book Council YouTube Channel
Penguin Teen YouTube Channel
Harper Teen YouTube Channel
We'll be reading in class several times a week and students should have their independent books with them each day.
Happy reading!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Happy New Year! (Stuff for Parents of Grade 7 ELA Students to Know)

September, 2015
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome to grade 7 ELA class!
I’m looking forward to working with you to help your student have a great school year.
Here are some expectations I’ll share with your student related to behavior in my class:

  1. We listen respectfully when someone is talking.
  2. We arrive at class ready and prepared to learn.
  3. We show respect to each other at all times.
  4. We work to the best of our ability.

I’m hopeful that you’ll find these rules fairly straightforward and easy for your student to follow.
In addition, I’ll enforce the rules of student conduct as explained in the middle school handbook.
While the majority of assignments will be completed during class time, occasionally there will be work for the student to do at home. Typical homework assignments may include independent reading, writing/revising essays or other written assignments, etc.

While we’re on the subject of homework, here’s some that could really help me if you have the time to complete it:

“Please write an email or letter that describes your child. Include anything that you would like me to know about your child, his or her needs, your goals, etc. If there is anything you would rather share or ask me in person, we can certainly set up a conference time in the first weeks of school." 

NOTE: While I will make every effort to post reminders about assignments on the Team Whiteface page at www.slcs.org, it may not always be possible to do so. If you have questions about homework, or anything else pertaining to ELA class, please feel free to call me at home: 354-8496 or email me at carlistdon@slcs.org.